If you see a crime being committed please call 911 and report it. These 911 (and 311) calls help us get more resources here in our community.
Vacants to Homeowners - Homebuyers Club! Will start again this fall! We will be working with City of Refuge Baltimore for the club to be in person and virtual! The club will be in Spanish and in English! Let us know if you're interested - call 410-707-7851 or email info@actionbaybrook.org to add your name to start your journey to buy a house! You can do it! Find out how!
Baltimore City Catalyst Grant - 2021 grant began in June, 2022 working to solve community problems with vacants, abandonment, and trash. 2022 grant will begin in approximately January, 2024 to increase Spanish language outreach, create compensation for block captains, and increase capacity.
Do you have a problem property in your block? Squatters? Irresponsible landlords? Illegal dumping? Send us an email and we'll work with you to help resolve the problem. We don't have a magic wand, but we'll work with you.
Call 311, go to the 311 website on your computer, or use the 311 app on your phone - report what you see. We can help you monitor your 311 reports if you email us the 311 number and describe the problem for us.
Vacants to Homeowners (V2H) program - Engaging community, funders, Community Law Center, and local non-profits to renovate problem vacants for sale to local homeowners at affordable prices.
Working with Friends of Garrett Park - supporting activating park space for fun and exercise.
Working to hold bad actors and problem property owners responsible by testifying and presenting community impact statements to judges, liquor board, prosecutors, and law enforcement
BWorks - Working with Grow Home, Inc. and City of Refuge Baltimore, Inc. to create comprehensive employment skills and career training to provide meaningful opportunities for neighborhood adults and youth in core local businesses
Community Clean Ups - come with us or let us know where you want to pick-up and we'll help you and your neighbors.
Working with City Councilwoman Phylicia Porter, DPW, City agencies, and local communities to combat blight and reduce problem properties
Working with area residents and businesses on community outreach and improvement