We're working for our community.
Send us an email or report a vacant property: info@actionbaybrook.org To remain anonymous send it through our contact page.
Send us an email or report a vacant property: info@actionbaybrook.org To remain anonymous send it through our contact page.
Do you know the empty field on Riverside Road here in Brooklyn? You can get there by going down West Talbott west of Potee past the houses (look to your left) or going down Bristol Ave and where Bristol ends look in front of you at the empty field. It might soon be beautiful senior housing.
If the developer decides to proceed with this project, it could make a tremendous difference. And you have your City Council and Department of Planning to thank - when the new zoning plan was passed in 2017 it changed the zoning of that entire area from industrial to residential. And now we might see the benefits of that zoning change.
For Sale!!! 530 E Pontiac was a project that we have finally completed. Check out the listing on redfin.com https://redf.in/MJ1A12
¡¡Se vende!! 530 E Pontiac es un proyecto que finalmente completamos. Chequea el listado en redfin.com
There are many ways to get involved and support our cause. You can make a donation, become a volunteer, or even organize a fundraising event in your community. Whatever you choose, know that your contribution will make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Take the tour to see what this beautiful house looks like now! 3714 5th St, Brooklyn, MD 21225 | MLS# MDBA2088134 | Redfin
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To Arundel Federal Bank for its lending and to Bank of America for its grant to help fund our work on this property.
Action Baybrook, inc.
511 E Patapsco Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225, us
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